A game that I have been working on for a week or two. Spark left or right to move, but you must press start first. Destroy all the blocks before time runs out! Thanks to Iabma for some electronics, the ability to go to another level, and most art.
ian, u cant just go in and completely change the game without my permission. Please keep it the way it is.
i made the ability to go to another level
Greate +1
hmm... -uses bomb- yay! i broke all the bricks :P
Nice Game :D
advance to what?
+1 amazing work
+1 faveorite, this is amazing. the full stop means no expession
@cozmi, you mean the next level? If you do, I have not made a next level yet. @xobotun, I could make it like that i guess but i made it so when the time runs out it is game over.