this box converts pure light (PHOT) into H2O (WATR). it's not very fast, but that can only be expected of something trying to create thousands of atoms only out of photons. if it catches fire, don't worry, it's suposed to do that... enjoy!
thanks! :D
Wow, this is a nice idea. The first of its kind. Theres many converters these days but I think this is one of those special ones where you get something unexspected. Water from photons... :) Good job. +1
oh, i HATED puting the conv in there... but it is impossible to make elec from phot, and the small bit in front of the plasma chamber makes some of thr hygn into oxyg, i could have made a fusion reactor to turn half of it into oxyg completely (is that a word?) but there wasn't any room. (i set myself a challenge by building the container BEFORE the mech... the only part i'm really proud of is the battery... (the flat thing under the solar panel...)
Forget what I said about the cheating =)
(offtop) I looked your works. Great detail the bunker and the city. Impressive. Sry for english man. And Keep it up in the same spirit.
+1 but I do not see any reason to simulate the light. You use CONV to convert PHOT to Steam. It's a little cheating ;) But anyway, good concept man
Oh now I see. You want to simulate this in what would bee an actual enviroment. not just lab concetntrated light. Great!
thanks! :D
oh, ok. well this is very cool thanks for the correction. Keep developing :)
there, now it's even more realistic.