that rubidium not "that rubidium" it should say... Press "D" on
@AirbusJet, the powder is just basic art and is composed entirely of thermite
made francium id:2678540
I made this: 2413401
francium would not be able to exist here because of its half life of 22 minutes, meaning it would burn its self up because of its radioactivity in a few seconds.
CozmicKel ceasium prrobably reacts with water more however id say francium would overall do more damage
Rubs it with water. Um why is it not exploding?
Also, it would melt and it wouldn't be orange
Also, it would probably be in the radioactive section of the materials because Francium has a half life of 22 minutes, so it is extremely radioactive.
Some say that Cesium is more reactive than Francium despite it's position in the periodic table.
why did you say my name in the thing... but with a space and no caps? :P