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27th May 2013
27th May 2013
I have deleted mario club.


  • HOPE
    20th Jun 2014
    WHY IS OWNED SUCH A JERK!? he is mean to everyone... I mean why play with THOUSANDS of nice people id your the only Dbag on the game?!
  • RandomUser
    4th Mar 2014
    Alright, Gary55, maybe downvoting ALL of his saves is a little irrational though I'm not exactly fond of owned either. Just downvote that ones that actually derserve a downvote. If that really is all of them, go ahead, I can't stop you.
  • Gary55
    23rd Jun 2013
    Hey owned, if you have some problems with Lyra, you have some problems with me. Im not a bronie nor I watch this series, but I just hate such people like you. You just make ugly saves and piss everyone off in TPT. Why are you even here? Have a nice day, oh and before I forget: -1 for ALL of you saves.
  • Fez_Monkey
    23rd Jun 2013
    Is that supposed to be a mushroom cloud?
  • BuilderDragonSS
    4th Jun 2013
    may i join? i can make anything? but not logos and idk what to do in a club so may i join for my first time on a club? please :D
  • taylah222
    2nd Jun 2013
    can i join oh i heard your proplem
  • Lyra
    28th May 2013
    Or else what? I am not going to tolerate this any longer, why do you have a problem with me? I am just trying to become your friend and all you do is get angry with me for liking ponies. If being a friend with you is going to be like this then I guess I won't be your friend. Hope you are happy with yourself.
  • owned171
    28th May 2013
    Sure,Lyra.But get that pony crap off your profile.Or else!
  • Lyra
    28th May 2013
    Want a new logo?