i will try to make you a good logo, but give credits! (leave me Comments) {{{leave id to send you commend!}}} And if you love the logo voteup!
I will Suggest To Litzman, Can You Make Flag Palestine?
Hi Litzman! i want you to make my logo with the infinity gauntlet and thanos snap with my name under it
Created my logo? russia arms
but if you need maker who do them instantly, has no any problem with animations, and he amazingly blur go to id:2049039
Hi there! A lot of logo makers hve been inactive recently (Most of these were published in 2011) so I thought I would start to make some. If you want a free good quality logo fast (ish) place your order now at ID:2007810.
Hey guys, i've noticed there aren't many active logo makers so I started doing requests provided they weren't complicated. If you want one for free go here: id:1988557
I need a logo. I would like plasmo circiling around my name.
I need a logo, I Would like a logo Of Like a Delorean Time machine Driving under the NOW And Blue Stargate like portals for the O's And the Other letters be Kinda Greek Font like The Straight lines.
could u make me a small black wyvern?