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10th Jun 2013
10th Jun 2013
if you erase the grav walls while newton grav is on without turn off the pump or modifing the grav any other way the empty newton grav voids will stay making weird effects epecilly with glow. if you can recreate this please comment


  • tomastarkie
    17th Jun 2013
    well if it doesnt cause problems i think it would be alright if it was left in, i cant think it can cuse any harm
  • jacob1
    14th Jun 2013
    I see ... kind of cool but I will still try to fix it
  • tomastarkie
    13th Jun 2013
    ah thanks guys just wanted to see if it was just me, i did try it with gravity grid and you can see clearly that newtonian gravity does not update or refresh. thanks again for verifying
  • the_new_powder99999
    10th Jun 2013
    If you put gravity grid on, it is easierto see the problem, it still thinks the walls are there until there is a change in gravity or newtonian gravity is turned off and on.
  • nj
    10th Jun 2013
    i recreated it too and you can delete the gravity wall because like what @owned171 said, the particals stay the same.
  • owned171
    10th Jun 2013
    Its because when the partical touches the grav wall,gravity stays how it is.
  • Kikinicij
    10th Jun 2013
    I recreated it and I do think its a glitch.