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23rd Jun 2013
9th Jul 2013
if anyone can think of good names for the other planets and the astroid field then i will name them your suggestions.made by me.turn decorations on or they are blank.this was a part of a travel guide homework.


  • CatAnimation
    8th Nov 2013
    Ok... (IM SmallPowder)
  • 12rl
    9th Oct 2013
    yes,it is not realistic,but it is only a fantasy solar system,as in its not realistic.
  • SmallPowder
    8th Oct 2013
    Good but you Coloured is and Some Dont make sense and if the planet is square it is able to Cause a giant collison Bcause of the shape Weird and it will be out of the system so the square one is Not in it ! Its a dwarf Really but you should name the dwarf like warf Becuase thats what scientists say and The asteroid Field Has to be Asteroids and there has to be 10 Planets on this kind ! There is only Inside Planets so make the outside to Create a Full system withough the square Block earth thigny so it is propar and suns have to be Names ! The One not taken is Pollux VYcanismajoris and Sirius A so choose one but if you choose VYcanismajoris It has to be Huge But others are small but bigger . I am a space expert and a Fast Typer and The asteroid field has to be Outside the 5 planets ! This is 1/2% Wrong so you need to learn about space and i am writing too much so it can be long But no planet can Be gas or Flames only Red Planets . Oceans can only be Used is ONE planet in the whole system and You didnt Name Your System . This is weird but the first word is touching the top pag for me . The sun needs to have Flames Coming Out of it So you Need to know that All . I learned From NASA . So go on Youtube and search for it . Dont believe in aliens Thouygh they Just animate it . Thats my whole Speech for Now . I think you will have more pages done . Go on Now ! Even YOU !
  • 12rl
    11th Aug 2013
  • DayZ20
    9th Aug 2013
    looks great :D +1
  • 12rl
    2nd Aug 2013
    LOL ;D
  • Reshiram147
    2nd Aug 2013
    Ah, and "Terre" means Earth, but "terre" means dirt. Your planet is dirt :3
  • LPsForMexD
    1st Aug 2013
    But Feuer are German too ...
  • 12rl
    31st Jul 2013
    Yes i did these delibratly to see if anyone knew what they meant i named the terre on that because its suppoesed to be a bit like earth and the lave is supposed to be a lava planet
  • Reshiram147
    31st Jul 2013
    Lave is also a french word that means... lava.