You can copy if you give credits to me. KABOOM!
look at my: ,,SPAM LAG Bomb,, Save :D this is BIG :D
OMGi looki iti whiti Presentyi (3) looksi likei HARDCOREi explosioni ofi fireworki O_O xD
OMG looki ti whit Presenty (3) looks like HARDCORE explosion of firework O_O
ou you did it now whit bcln :D
i can do bigger then yours xD do in the map everything Deutron and Neutron xD
Oh you are right! IT'S SO BIG! xD
Oh thx! xD
you can add BCLN so tat tats are doing more. and because the Pressure the cloners are fly somewhere and clone tat think what it does kontakt first. in a little time the cloners destroy himself... :D
but i did a more bigger xD where i didn't have a account xD