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15th Jul 2013
15th Jul 2013
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  • Gary55
    19th Jul 2013
    Oh, and before I fergett, +1 for you great city, litzman!
  • Gary55
    19th Jul 2013
    @TacoBellMotell First of all his name is "litzman" not "Litz". Of corse he shoul'd use corect grammar, but english isen't that easy, in fact: Everyone make some faults (Im make all the way some). Well, WHY do you think, litzman don't deverse to be a member of "The Powder Masters"? I thin, he TOTALY deverse it! I mean: look at his wonderfull saves! And he did not create the group, adrienmaciel did... AND you save isen't even a BIT as good as litzman's.
  • TacoBellMotell
    15th Jul 2013
    Litz. You need to use correct grammar in your title and i don't think you deserve to be in "The Powder Masters" Group unless you created it yourself. Because to be fair. This place looks terrible compaired to my City Cave System.