13th Aug 2013
13th Aug 2013
Shoots both Nuetrons and Photons and melts through metal quickly. Simular to my 'Hottest Laser', exept this laser seems to keep a constant temperature and seems to be much more deadly over-all.
I made it more compact and hotter. id:1564007 You can use it if you want UC17
lol can't beat insl
how to stop any laser? carbon plating with insl after it
sorry just not hot enough for my standards.....if you want it hotter, probably a good idea to remove the life at the very front (wall)
Not Bad
Mine doesn't spit like yours but its hotter. ID:1169251
That is a freaky laser.
no offense but mines faster ID:973426
yep its awesome +1
awesome. this doesn't have very many comment D= +1.