I am pretty sure that stars are born in nebulas, and grow until they are a main sequence star (like the sun) and then they will either form a red giant and supernova (leaving a dwarf star or black hole), or shrink and form a dwarf star (not sure what types they form) Or instead of forming a red giant, they just shrink and then form a dwarf star. Magnetars, neutron stars and quark stars are either not a part of the cycle, or not enough has been about them to know if they are in the cycle.
i read this but i dont know if its an old theory i know 3 theories and i dont realy know what theory is the newest
One more thing...the Sun sized stars actualy create a Planetary Nebulie before they shrink (the core is the white dwarf not the star) and from the nebulie new systems are created...
Thanks and I am doing well in school actualy :P I'm top of the class :P
we better see by owr selves than belive other theories so good luck in school :p
...Stephen hawking says there is no God...And Ik what a Theory means I am just saying my opinion..lol there is a theory like that XD!
dude all those are theories no one knows for shoure we might have right... we might not. ther is NOT ANY THEORY THAT IS EXCACTLY RIGHT. quantum theory is good and more accourate to reality but wrong. so dont say that you are right. ask stephen howking. :p
Guys...Your both wrong...when a big star dies it creates a Magnetar that (Over time) looses it's strong magnetic field (it weakens not dissapears) and starts to have beams (Magnetar=Pulsar transition) So your both wrong :D