4 / 3
20th Sep 2013
22nd Dec 2013
This bomb exploits electricity's electron composition. Therefore, it travels through solid matter. All credit for the test pad goes to explosivo15.


  • Schneumer
    11th Nov 2013
    its not that special, you just took the core... and a lot of people use the 1-
  • mermwerm
    11th Nov 2013
    i was referencing nature, as a... false explaination, you could say? irl, lightning is electricity, or electrons traveling through ionized gas. i understand TPT LIGH is not ELEC. so, yeah, that's like telling someone that MWAX in their buildings aren't really people.
  • FeynmanLogomaker
    6th Oct 2013
    It's an excellent bomb...but the description is complete BS. LIGH is not made of electrons, it is just made of LIGH (Yes, it's elephants all the way down). It travels through solid matter because that's how TPT was written.