Okay, we're full with 10 players! Now we need tools and stuff, as we can't do stuff without stuff! We start with a rusted iron axe, a rusted iron saw, and an oxidized copper pick. Who will claim them?
can i join?=P(if yes,then i want to be hunter :3)
Alright guys, first update coming soon!
hey coolrune, i made a world for you ID:1324529
can i please join?
I made a world for you ID:1324529
i wana play, if i do dig down to the stone and use that as a barriacade then i get brmt make a pickaxe out of brmt and chop down a tree then use the wood i got to build a hut
I wanna join! first we dig a sortve deep hole to get some brmt, then we use that to grind the tree down :3 then we use the wood to make stuff, then we do stuff. Sound realistic? NO? I THOUGHT SO!!!
so jetman makes stuff with wood, i guess il be the lumberjack. :)
again, i can build a model of all these things for you coolrune206