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30th Sep 2013
15th Dec 2013
in a orbet closer to the sun than murcurey this station is slowly melting away after all the people escaped the novas radeation. the sun is slowly dimming with age...


  • braincrab
    18th Feb 2016
    how about this as a story instead. after the gamma ray blast hit earth this space station orbiting the sun never got any plutonium to power its anti-heat and radiation sheilding,the sheild once fallen let the station to melt after most people had escaped.
  • braincrab
    18th Feb 2016
    in reality,by the time it reaches the olar system most of the rays would have blasted off somewhere else,only an absolutey tiny miniscule amount (millions of billions of a precintile) would hit our solar system and not the massive space around it,think of it as shooting an apple with a shotgun halfway across the planet. they would probobly be more worried about the suns radiation.