5th Oct 2013
17th Oct 2013
my new bomb,the periapsis.it creates pressure with dmg and thunder,whilst the deut spreads everywhere,and it explodes with alot of heat.then,there is fusion.
i used to use snow/sing but if you dont i found that a bomb can be better you should try it!
Done. The compressed version is at id:1370342
ok thanks.
ID:1340635 :) don't know if it will affect strength but layered just like you wanted it to
ah,ok i get it now.
You can copy/paste from mine, which is easiest. When I convert, I use my bomb as a template. I erase the element i want to be layered in the console, then paste the bomb over a background of the layered element. Then, I manually erase the rest of the bomb leaving behind the layered portion. I do this for each element, and then copy/paste the parts back together for the final product.
ok thanks.i have changed some of this,but how do i change it all to layered elements? i know how to layer,though.
Also, the EXOT will create WARP for the Azure effect. When the tmp2 of EXOT is set to around 6000, it is on the verge of becoming WARP. In my layered elements palette, I called this 'Hot EXOT'.
Hi. Depending on what you want to create, you could add some EXOT to increase the fusion effect. Also, you could substitute layered elements for single layer. I have a palette of pre-layered ones at id:1315327 if you would like to take a look.
any ideas or suggestions? every comment is appreiciated!