You should make new levels to paste into the level thing. They are pretty easy to make for yourself, but you should put some in the save for different difficulty levels (easy, medium, hard)
@BunkerKiller888 thank you / spasibo boli'woe :D
@minecrafter3211 not for you, I :)
@BunkerKiller888 I will not add stkm management because because of what the game is buggy, and the player disappears. :c
OHH GREAT STEVE... you never fail to impress me. i here a new arK coming.
+1 amazing game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To make it better, add a stkm controller. It might not be fast enout, but its an idea. :D LIKE AND FAV
ugh... 19 seconds, but great idea!
SPRK the microchip thing and chaos! (after you unpause)