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21st Oct 2013
21st Oct 2013
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  • Vondaniel
    21st Oct 2013
    yo man, you're way to pissed off. i smoke every day and i find this humorous. he has a sword and a gun, then boom no more head. it's a game.
  • Gary55
    21st Oct 2013
    Can someone tell me, WHY THE F**K, dous in last time so many people make those "don't smoke" saves? They are ALWAYS -withour ANY exeption- completly unrealistic, ugly and any other worse way. I don't smoke, but a lot of my friends do- and I don't care, and don't post stupid "dont smmmoookkkeee" saves. Because: This is a platform where are a lot of CHILDREN. THat means, the most of the people how'll see this don't smoke anyway. Also: Do you think a ugly man, how explode will keep anyone away from smoking?! I don't know, but this p*sses me so of, because the hole WORLD have only benefits because of smokers- the workers in the factorys, the docotrs for the ill people... But NO! We better make super bad saves, with this pice of s*hit how -in my eyes- only insultes the hole race "human". I woul'd delete this save. And'll never talk about it again. Just my oninition. Sorry, for the long text, I had some free time.