Inspired by cracker64's"ship"gun:)And better than that one:)I really hard on this work.Lanuch ships and recycle to lanuch again:)
It just breaks. It doesn't work.
Is it just broken in the beta version or is this a fault in the build?
Ive seen this before, somewhere.. but, the Photon Lightsaber Construction does it for me. So, +1 and a TPT game would be awesome.
it doesnt matter if you havent made a game yet but it is preferable if you have made one. You can join anyway.
Would someone be so kind as to make a tutorial on how to make these ships?
But i'm haven't made a TPT game;| May I doing now?
Hey doperfectwork, would you like to join the gamemaking club? id:1345275
I think you can make things with cray with different ctypes somehow, also, there are ways to make piston ships without changing the tmp of frme.