fater than light hahahahaha nice one not to be rud
GeneralPet, I answered your question. Hope that's what you were looking for.
robogeek can you answer my question in fater than light forum?
Umm, maybe because no one else is around a computer, or because we poorly advertised this on our homepage. Either one works.
why we are the only ones talking?
Fun fact about radiation: Uranium-238 decays to stable lead-206 in about 4470254646.8034745814359462201928 years.
Photons do have mass, since they are elementary particles, therefore they do have mass.
but if those big particles travel with light speed then photons HAVE mass. and again as i said in the "Faster than light?" forum photons should travel faster than the speed we see. now this speeds might seem hard to imagine but thing how big the universe is.
oh i forgot to mention another type of radiation. Hawking Radiation. As i said in the "Faster than light?" forum, black holes emit radiation. this is actualy quarks, protons and neutrons, we dont realy know but as protons and neutrons are extremely hard to "break" i would put this radiation to Alpfa radiation.