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19th Nov 2013
21st Nov 2013
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  • robogeek537
    20th Nov 2013
    the largest wavelengths are 10E4 (10000 meteres= 10 kilometeres) meteres in length. Those are shortwave AM radio waves. (ironic, huh?)
  • robogeek537
    20th Nov 2013
    Electromagnetic radiation=photons=gamma rays/x-rays, etc.
  • GeneralPet
    20th Nov 2013
    also electromagnetic radiation is spileted in other types, radiowaves, microwaves, infrared radiation, visible light (actualy visible light is infrared dadiation but the wavelenght is small enough so we see it) then goes ultraviolet radiation, X-Rays and finnaly Gamma-rays (or G-rays)
  • GeneralPet
    20th Nov 2013
    so lets start :P. there are 3 types of radiation, alpha, beta and gama radiation. alpha radiation is helium nucleus geting emited by the decay of radioactive materials and from fussion in stars. beta radiation are electrons emmited by atoms and gama radiation is electromagnetic radiation that comes from many reasons (i cant say all of them) and this type is the light we see... and that we dont see.