This is H.A.L, George's brother. He used CONV. instead of a motion-activated blade. Hope you enjoy. -Runemaster
Hey runemaster, I was gone for a litte. I finished another droid. Go ahead and publish it: ID:1387811.
By the way before anyone complains, diagnol takes a while to get going. And @aerostriker911: Huh. Never thought of that.
looks like 343 guilty spark
Alright Anonymous, sounds good.
@runemaster, I don't know if you recieved my message about partnering, but I agree. Sounds like fun. Right now I'm working on prefecting my counter, so I could give you the latest version to critique.
And yes, before anyone asks Me and Anonymous100 are sort of semi-partners. He helped me with a control glitch on the EDI.
Thank's for all the feedback. I'll work on it with my partner, so maybe it will get FP. I'll give you guys a notion just for support.
Not perfect, but still great. +1
maybe add Function Queue to prevent over-control. still wip but +1
Thats funny, I posted the same thing @runemaster, and it did'nt get FP. Congrats on our success!