2nd Dec 2013
7th Dec 2013
my Virus Lotus Vs.This BombTester that Tests the Pressure, Heat and Raw Destroying Power of your Bomb. You may need to wait a bit for the Thermometer to show its true readings.
i have made azure bombs without copying, can you please stop suggesting that i dont understand the almighty "concept" you speak of. if you view it in nothing display (press 8) the virs clearly stays in the middle of the bomb, and is not "vaporized instantly" as you say. as i said to begin with the virs never makes it outside the core, which makes it useless.
the virus gets vapourized instantly thus it can't "eat it" so you do not understand the concept but i can try and explain it to you and if you don't want to know/understand the concept then let me know
i can only say its not a true lotus mechanism because i understand the concept. the exot cant turn into warp because the virs eats it. which cancels out the azure mechanism. then the molten singularity gets eaten by virs too which cancels out any possible fusion. whats left is gbmb, ligh & virs. but the virs never makes it outside the bombs core. so the destructive power comes from ligh&gbmb. do "!set type ligh none" in console and it wont break more than a few layers.
it does work your just stupid and dont get the concept there is no warp in it the lotus is just virus gbmb and lighting and this upload is just yo show its power and as you saw it was very powerful so the "desrutive" parts aren't lost.
i dont consider your virus lotus to be a true virus lotus. for one the virs never comes into contact with what you want to destroy. for two the virs eats all the important destructive parts of the bomb. and for three because it eats itself the azure mechanism of Gbmb/warp never engages. if you want my advice; dont COPY someone elses' bomb and expect it to work with your modifications.