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9th Dec 2013
9th Dec 2013
gwc is a religious company and will not tolerate any athiesim comments will be reported to moderators. warning placeholder deco before i can design a proper one


  • thephysiclord
    15th Feb 2014
    umm... legally speaking, I could make an "atheist" (i'm assuming that's what you meant) comment without any legal repurcussions, especially considering you used the phrase "athiesim".
  • Tanawsomeguy55
    9th Dec 2013
    Michel ive had alot of problems doing what you doing thinking that were idiots so to make sure that they do that
  • QuentinADay
    9th Dec 2013
    okay i agree with you in that but theres no need to do that...
  • Michielgr1977
    9th Dec 2013
    so you are agaist free speech, gods arent real gods arent real gods arent real gods arent real gods arent real gods arent real gods arent real gods arent real gods arent real gods arent real gods arent real gods arent real. have fun!
  • QuentinADay
    9th Dec 2013
    haha im home schooled so i do all-nighters all the time!
  • Tanawsomeguy55
    9th Dec 2013
    its 2 am *dies of sleep deprevation*
  • QuentinADay
    9th Dec 2013
    haha k see ya!
  • Tanawsomeguy55
    9th Dec 2013
    check it next week ill be doinng alot of things in the mean time like sleeping
  • QuentinADay
    9th Dec 2013
    okay well just think about it! ill just check later on
  • Tanawsomeguy55
    9th Dec 2013
    im litterly still in middle school i have a crap laptop a shi& internet cause im iced in so it will be a long time sinse i have like 3 other projets going.