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what will you do?
Damn this is good i will tellyou if i fail i enjoy this.
damn I failed
officially the elements are called deuterium and plutonium, but dont worry, I thought ISOZ was isozeum until i found out it was isotope z :P
pretty basic but thats why its good.
do it compact wtf? build it compact or what ever -.- POOOOR ENGLISH
aw i dint use the dots becouse i pressed CTRL+SHIFT to chance the type typing.... try to find and cut the lines of the words '-.-
deutanium doixide is unrealistish for this type turbine reactors(plutanium) so use plutanium for the most reactors they are the god off heating and dont use the steam to create steam "-.- they suck becouse its just unrealistish and boring and try to make the most thing to tranver heat not too big try to do it compact and a short way to water. enjoy my poor english and the reactor c:
Very good job!