9 / 0
5th Jan 2014
17th Nov 2018
Instead of using lots of little PLCN/PHOT modules to achieve high density lasers, I use reflection to create a more compact laser. Cons: It isn't as dense as others. 2: Only small burst. 3: Takes time to recharge. Pros: 1: Compact 2. Powerful


  • Schneumer
    8th Nov 2018
    nothing much, just had to fix the reflective mechanism since it broke at some point
  • NF
    8th Nov 2018
    What up?
  • Schneumer
    28th Aug 2014
    i find that if shot into a small entrance into a big area, it does way more it could destroy the inside of a ship 0_0
  • Schneumer
    20th Jan 2014
    Yeah, but it takes recharging anyways. The circuit is made to loop two times when sparked. I used water so it doesn't go infinitely. It needs like 600 frames to charge anyways, and water needs 30 frames to be able to be sparked again.
  • lefouduroi
    20th Jan 2014
    replace the WATR with SWITCH connected to WIFI that is at the same channel as the ones for turning the laser on and off.
  • Schneumer
    14th Jan 2014
    Oh yah i forgot the buttons. woops. the water is there to stop the circuit from becoming infinite, i don't know how to make it loop two times without going on forever, either way it takes another 580-600 frames to recharge.
  • lefouduroi
    13th Jan 2014
    if you don't know how to use coordinates, press D and you should see them on the top right of the screen.
  • lefouduroi
    13th Jan 2014
    @Schneumer: If you would like a faster fire rate, I suggest that you change that pixel of WATR at X:40 Y:225 to METL. It seems a lot cooler without a delayed fire rate. Also, I suggest you add "buttons" to turn the lazer on and off easier with WIFI.