21st Jan 2014
25th Jan 2014
still does all the stuff of the mk1, just is faster.
@Paul You're right, everyone who says this isn't innovative doesn't know what half of the scanners really does.
Shut up, JoshinatorKy. This is one of the most innovative electronic devices recently. So go stand on a cliff over a lake, get hit by a bus, and go careening into the lake.
because the scanner and reader get between 2 and 2.5 time larger for every extra pixel you compress into a space. (it adds 2 columns and doubles the rows)
by 'bigger' do you mean higher compression rate, or physically larger?
@JoshinatorKy: then you'll love the save I'm working on... ;)
i wish the data storage is bigger.
I'm convinced that originality is all but entirely dead in the TPT community. It saddens me greatly.
oh look it's this again. Wonderful, because we need more scanners.
Heres a tip to the developer: Instead of using NSCN for retracting the scanner piston, just use the plain INWR, which by itself is faster for retract! Will save a few miliseconds for sure!
here: id:1444933