can someone explain how this works please im so confused
This may be extremely benficial for the future when waste and garbage becomes a threat to our earth +1 for the concept!
this idea maybe becomes real in the future
A trash making an electricity :) good idea 1+
powder, if you find a stolen save, report it, not minus one. because if it isnt acctually stolen, that u look like a jerk. ps u look like a jerk
@PowderKing101, original save's ID please.
+1, even though I still prefer to recycle stuff ;-)
look at powderkings saves no one vote on 100 saves 50% copyed
wtf powderking WHAT THE ................ WHY NOT? WHO COPYED IT THEN? YOU? RIGHT ITS YOU
Good job! 1+ and also i like the acid. It may cause severe injuries.