sulfer/sulphur has lots of other reactions but theese are the basics
i was thinking "SULF" would make GUN w/ PTSH that hasnt been made yet and i no i no... publishing the ideas makes me feel good though. And SACD is for another element page... if i get to it... oh and the WATR OXYG and SLFR is too hard because WATR exloped w/ ACID and OXYG ignites i think... but yeah scientificly yur correct.
1. Suggestions belong on the forum, not in a save. 2. Instead of SLFR+ACID=SACD, why not make it SLFR+WATR+OXYG=ACID? You haven't really provided any unique properties for SACD, so why include it? 3. GFLM should just be a ctype or tmp value of FIRE. (FIRE should also cool into whatever its ctype is, like LAVA) 4. Should SLFR (I'd rather call it SULF) make GUN on contact with BCOL? That would be interesting.