16th Mar 2014
22nd Nov 2014
I'll try make instruction for thouse, who want done this project. Use for free.
For control unit: 0000 -nothing; 1000 - OR; 0100 - !(B->A); 1100 - AND; 0010 - EOR; 1010 - XOR; 0110 - A->B; 1110 - if A!=0; 0001 - NAND; 1001 - NOR; 0101 - if A==B; 1101 - if A!=B; 0011 - Summ; Maybe something wrong, but it's all that I remember.
Try other formulas, they also have an interesting effect: !X XOR (X-1); !X AND (X-1); !(X-1) OR X; X XOR (X-1); X AND (X-1)
!X OR (X-1) will set 0 last non zero bit and set 1 all other.
Do You Know: !(X-1) AND X will allocate last non zero bit?
WiFi 5500 -7100 A_Gate 5500; B_Gate 5600; Reset 5700; A << 5800; A >> 5900; B << 6000; B >> 6100; Read C 6200; Read_Buffers 6300; if A !=0 then C = B 6400; SummGate 6500; OR_Gate 6600; AND_Gate 6700; XOR_Gate 6800; Swch_NOT_A 6900; Reset_ALU 7000; Buf_read 7100;
WiFi 5500 -7100 A Gate 5500B Gate 5600Reset 5700A << 5800A >> 5900B << 6000B >> 6100Read C 6200Read Buffers 6300if A !=0 then C = B 6400SummGate 6500ORGate 6600AND Gate 6700XOR Gate 6800Swch NOT A 6900Reset ALU 7000Buf read 7100