The cloned EXOT will destroy the AMTR making PHOT. Be patient please! Try the number-keys for other views, really nice ones are there too :) Don't copy. Persistent view (3) is the best I think xD
@Ryan316 ooh look who studied nuclear physics like me! good and accurate explanation of how this is super unrealistic from real life. when two gamma rays (photons) collide they form positrons which is antielectrons. then they annihilate eachother and form gamma rays again. but you have to accelerate around the speed of light similar to CERN's LHC.
in TPT:wow this is cool! in real life:...(Can`t say cuz dead)
But the EXOT is a part of the nebula, the part which slowly destroys the nebula. After that, only EXOT will spread around the centre. This nebula consists of EXOT and AMTR, and these two elements are reacting with each other.
Its not the antimatter destorying itself. In this game antimatter can only destroy a certain amount of pixels before it itself is destroyed. Think of it like the photons they only last a certain amount of time. antimatter only lasts through a certain amount of pixels.
no why Anti-Matter why are you leaving us we could make the future together with warp drive and that cool stuff
Agh! The blue eye in 3 mode! :D
@Anti-Matter Have you made that account only for comment here or was it random? :D
Already SOOOO many views xD
It is. The EXOT spreading away from the middle destroys the surrounding AMTR making some photons (rarely).