2 / 0
19th Apr 2014
19th Apr 2014
Im sorry about low amount of saves going out i just havent had any creative idea`s in a while. #STILLWIP


  • Tom_Foolery
    23rd Dec 2016
    I have a rocky history with GPMP shielding. If any hot proton weapons (which are weapons I use almost exclusively) hit it, it attracts nearby explosions and particles. I find FRAY or REPL tend to have better results. These won't go corrupt under proton bombardments and they have a stronger effect. However, as noted by SGAtlantis, these also won't stop PSTN weapons.
  • SGAtlantis
    12th Jun 2015
    Although it's coming VERY VEEERRYYY VEEEEEEEE... (okay, I'll stop) late: You could use materials not reacting to gravity for the ship itself, and then use GPMPs (sparingly) on the ship's surface. The GPMP would then be shifting away every incoming particle. Warning: This doesn't work against weapons using pistons to move!