That is very, very helpful
That being said, while the design still works, it's somewhat deprecated due to Filt's (AND) mode. I hope it's still useful to someone out there though, so I'll leave it up.
Absolutely, I would argue it is more useful to have an And-gate that only allows inputs to be sparked at the same time. Microprocessor designs fully expect inputs at a constant(known) rate.
there are some situations where it is useful to have an and gate that requires both inputs to be sparked at the same time. I am working on a device that will send data along a 2-bit wire, where one bit is used for timing, and the other sends the data. if both bits are on, it counts as a 1, if only one is on, it is a 0. technically, it would be possible to use a normal wire, but it would be harder to do.
I guess SandwichLizard has...
so, can I use this in one of my saves?
it's not so-much about the timing, im good enough at getting things frame-perfect, the thing is somewhere along the line the "sum" needs to be remembered (probably by SWCH) so that ripple-carry can take place.