Hello,you want this idea.
This appears to be a suggestion save. "Suggestion saves will be removed from the front page. It's recommended that you make a thread on the forum, so it's more official and you can get actual criticism from developers and other users. You can make the save and link to it on the thread if you want."
The only one I agree with here is the backgrounds. Although it isn't very useful anyway. And the glass one I don't really understand, but if you mean that glass has a transparent colour so anything layered beheind it shows, then I agree.
thats the real good ideas for me but the admins accept this?
Not bad! 1+
what the second one mean?
Very good ideea, unfortunately, this is far from being supported by the game's engine and the changes needed might produce other changes and so on. Maybe these ideeas would be good if they made a TPT2.
I don't really understand the second one :(
Very confusing.
Good. +1
Hmmm..... *nullfied*