Here it is. And credit to Sandwichlizard for the bar graph
Random stuff...
and what is it good for
@explosivepowder I do not understand why you think all machines on TPT need to be small. The best ones are big.
hmm... its rather big... way too big in my opinion, you could just use a self cooling mercury randomiser wich has one collum with merc in it that conducts it forward -1... wait... magnetman... ima do nothing to it cause you are very nice to me!
The rest focus toward the middle because they aren't made for evenly distributed randomness, the are labeled Gaussian distributors because they focus on the middle to give the desired distribution
of course u can true its a calculated random but still technicly random
natevhs, you can't have a computer that generates something truley random. the only thing you can use to do that is atmospheric noise
A lot better than the rest that always focus towards the middle. Truely random. +1
i like
Holy Crap! It Is Rocket Rad!