Here it is. And credit to Sandwichlizard for the bar graph
looks like a muffin :3
randomizers are so boring and so not original... so 0+ im sorry... i am not downvoting saves, only if they are REALLY BAD like gunpower and firework spam bombs
Shut up and take my upvote!! +1
nice, but needs more varience to be better, the start decides which way it goes straight up
great idea, original and effective. +1
+1 btw
Woah, never seen this before +2
nice. original dude +1
it is original, +1 man. I did not expect the histograph to get fp, it only took me like 20 minutes to rip tech out of my printer an shove my sand randomizer on it. meanwhile, the Star Trek save I spent a ton of time working on has barely made it. fp is fickle.
FP?! .