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31st May 2014
21st Aug 2016
In the many days leading up to the main event, the volcanic island of Krakatoa experienced heavy activity. On August 26 1883, the volcano violently exploded, tearing itself apart, and creating the loudest noise recorded. 36 000 died from the 18 tsunamis.
volcano vulcano realistic tsunami explosion erupt krakatau island eruption historical


  • TrickyTheCar
    7th Sep 2021
    Didn't Rakata survive?
  • TheSwedishEmpire
    25th Jun 2017
    Also, many sailors within 8 km (Correct me if im wrong) who didnt die literally had their eardrums shredded from the burst.
  • TheSwedishEmpire
    25th Jun 2017
    make a supervolcano, those collapsed caldera ones. I would love to see it!
  • ILiveInIndonesia
    20th Jun 2016
    and its the second biggest eruption in indonesia the first one was mount tambora the ash of it almost cover indonesia and other near it
  • ILiveInIndonesia
    20th Jun 2016
    fact after the big explosion the mountain explode and made a little volcano now named anak krakatoa the child of krakatoa
  • lukekelly
    28th Aug 2015
    fact it was the loudest sound ever heard by us
  • AirbusJet
    21st Apr 2015
    Yet another Fact! Krakotoa was one of the most strongest volcanic eruption after another stronger eruption from Mount Tabora, it scored VEI 6 and had an explosion yield of 13,000 times stronger than te Little Boy dropped on Hiroshima
  • Ulrik54
    15th Apr 2015
    Fact: The ash spread around the world, filtering the sunlight and creating beautiful bloodred sunsets, inspiring many artists. "Skrik (Scream)" by Edvard Munch is a famous example.
  • Klus
    4th Jan 2015
    And another fact, people on the neighbouring islands thought the pyroclastic flow wouldn't reach then, but no, it just went clean across the water and destroyed them, too.
  • superweevil
    6th Oct 2014
    Yet another fact! Krakatoa flew so much ash and stuff in the air it started thunderstorms for months alllllll over the world! At that time during a thunderstorm Mary Sheling had her idea for her famous and creepy book, Frankestein!