13th Jun 2014
6th Jul 2014
The Powdie Awards are a yearly save popularity contest, more information inside! We need lots of nominations for this to work. We are set on judges, so try to just nominate saves.
moo moo
i'm not sure, maybe the contest just won't happen since there weren't enough nominations. I sort of forgot about this anyway (also it's not my contest)
is it to late to enter?
jacob1 me category are zombies or pixel art :) but no have much likes :C
i nominate id:1499038
ok, that might work, maybe. Maybe i'll have to put them into categories after reviewing them and add it to http://mniip.com/jacob1/powdies/saves.txt :P
I nominate all the saves that were nominated in this. id:1453293 and never got evaluated.
NOMINATE SAVES!!!! please):
Also we don't need a space category, use "Vehicles", the not official category I added to that page :P
TheNumberCrucher: the due date is supposed to be July 7 (it's in the save :P). Everyone seems to have forgotten about it though, but we *really* need more saves, see http://mniip.com/jacob1/powdies/nominated.lua for the list of already nominated saves, each category needs 8.