The INSL band calls the position, the BRCK band calls the particle. the glass bands are HOME, NULL, INDEX, CLOCK respectively. 3/3/16 - v91.0 update. New print head, new pstn updates for drive. I may make some more tweeks.
what is it making?
the tech or how to operate it?
how does the 1st one work? I can't figuere out how the 1st print works.
the very last print is a battery to set off the explosive device. it should burn.
I somehow managed to make the thing catch fire thats how bad im at 3D Printers
here is a basic tutorial id:1672398 you must draw in the program. there is no write function for this unit.
Ok. One question: how to change string? I will research this tech.
No. I did not make one. I left stuff in the save that will help but no tutorial.
Sandwichlizard, is tutorial for this rom exists?
@program. Yeah, I need to work on a scanner. I doubt I will be able to make a multi-element one, but its time I build one non the less. I need the practice with more binary stuff also.