11 / 4
1st Jul 2014
24th Nov 2014
Thanks to HDP for letting me use his nuke, and thank you guys for the front page! Story: The UKN and the TU are fighting for the area rich in quartz and iron in order to mentain their War Machine opperational. This map is inspired by LoadStar.


  • Klus
    17th Jan 2015
    Alright, this is my war...I spill a load of giant protons onto the TU's nuke and detonate it with a bigger wave of giant protons, forming an invisible tornado and a lava-tsunami, wrecking the UKN :D
  • Klus
    17th Jan 2015
    tactics? NUKES ARE BETTER >:D
  • SlenderHunter
    16th Nov 2014
    Hi physics. Whaddup?
  • physicsrocks
    3rd Jul 2014
    Hey Slender
  • SlenderHunter
    2nd Jul 2014
    The bad end: Both mortars comitted suicide :(
  • SlenderHunter
    2nd Jul 2014
    A great tide of mortar shells was streaming between the cities in an endless storm. Suddenly, a slightly less dim member of the TU loaded a gravity shell into their clan's mortar. It sucked all the Mortar shells into the UKN base, who were vaporised by the devices of their own making. The Happy End
  • The_Powder_Boy
    1st Jul 2014
    All was well in the beguing, but then when a person from west city went to east city to form an aliience, he saw the container of neutrons. They then built an icbm and launched it over to east city blowing up the container. They then built a neutron drill designed to burrow under west city and explode. This destroied the whole city, but one surviver remaned. He then went over to the president of east city and as a suicide bomber. BOOM.
  • The_Powder_Boy
    1st Jul 2014
    All was well in the beguing, but then when a person from west city went to east city to form an aliience, he saw the container of neutrons. They then built an icbm and launched it over to east city blowing up the container. They then built a neutron drill designed to burrow under west city and explode. This destroied the whole city, but one surviver remaned. He then went over to the president of east city and as a suicide bomber. BOOM.
  • HitlerSucks
    1st Jul 2014
    Detail the stories of your war in the comments!
  • SlenderHunter
    1st Jul 2014
    Lol i put my mortars on either side and started clicking rapidly :3