22 / 1
9th Jul 2014
2nd Jan 2019
My avg. speed programabble micro computer from 2014, with guess number example. Updated to fix display bug of tpt version. Check out v2, it is a lot more capable.
electronics computer electro eletric processor machine electricity micro ver1


  • RockerM4NHUN
    4th Jan 2019
    Actually now I think maybe for education purposes I will build things in the future, but it is a big maybe. Time will tell.
  • RockerM4NHUN
    4th Jan 2019
    I won't be back like the old days, I just sometimes have some fun. Your subpixel wizardry is a lot more interesting, but I don't even have the time for projects outside of tpt so I have to sort some out. BUEK, koszi viszont! :D
  • LBPHacker
    2nd Jan 2019
    Ayyy, someone's back. Boldog uj evet!
  • expunged
    24th Oct 2018
    I noticed that there is CLNE, BCLN, PCLN, and/or DRAY in the computer due to whenever I try to destroy it's RAM with random sparks long sticks of blue INST start extending from the center. What's up with that?
  • Gnog3
    7th Apr 2017
  • kingman
    10th Aug 2014
    Lol. Nice start sign. +1
  • RockerM4NHUN
    28th Jul 2014
    Everyone, who says some critics is a bastard?
  • BigTardis
    26th Jul 2014
    I see that you commented on the High pressure air gun. Your comment was selfish and stupid. You should be ashamed. If you want to reply to any of this comment, go to my saves and talk about it. Just dont over do it.