how does it use deco,but when you seeit, it has deco on, i mean when you see it on a page, when normally when you see something with deco it doesnt show you the deco until you get inside of the creation?
CGI means computer-generated imagery (special visual effects created using computer software), this means that it is a program. this is not CGI but digital art, there is a differense, most CGI if not all is made by drag and drob or by manipulating somthing in a brogram, og both, this is done by changing the color of somthing by hand, i know it is made in a program on a gombuter but the program didn't make the image
isnt CGI not made with deco?
hells yeah it hand made. who do you think made it?
That's not a CGI. It's hand-made. Good job VIP84! :)
Technically, Zak is right, as the image in the save was made on a computer. Therefore, CGI.
@zak03:sorry for mistake in your name(zal03)