Sometimes we forget how amazing small features in The Powder Toy can be. Remember when you just started playing TPT, and you didn't even know where elements were... back then... good times...
dam i had caps lock on
cOOL +1
well, old things in tpt have been so obsolete because as we make new discoveriss, new fun.
bonbonthenoob: Nope, it's not copied...
did anyone knew that exot and prot explodes?
It's true, today we have printers, computers, advanced real-life like electronic components, and we forget the little things that makes this possible
Love this for me i say +1 Keep up the good work
You see, the reason why these things were forgotten about is because of the evolution of TPT. Our technology is evolving more and more, and these things have been obsolete for quite a while. Printers and Calculators became portfolio peices, technology grows THAT fast. The new technology of tpt is the only appreciated aspects.
if you put a sideways single pixel line of stne the bounce is really obvious