5th Aug 2014
7th Aug 2014
Here you can make your own fuel!
The NITRO wont work
how does it work without blowing up
Replace the brick with walls
Needs more choices, like hygn... +1 cuz I like fuel, engines, etc.
@nosirrbro: rocket fuel is too hot it would need some high temp materials i think
There are lots of mods :P, but only 3 and sometimes Simon are active. Some inactive ones are active (and only) use IRC.
No, most of the mods use IRC alot. Go there and you can speak to them all, including simon ( the current owner of tpt).
havoc - theres also 3 more that are online but they r RARE
I made some rocket fuel (Hydrogen and Oxygen, its really used irl) and it melted/burned the entire system
I didn't know there were others other than Jacob1...