CRAY with DRAY is got a beautiful pattern, let check it out, vote me if you like the pattern showed inside this work
lol, who said press 3?
I still prefer CRAY(QRTZ). Lovely seisures.
@gbasilva, I know that, but new version for sure using it to make a beautiful pattern for all people who use new version ^_^
It isn't caused by DRAY. Type "!set type dray insl" and "!set ctype cray insl" (without quotes) to see.
dray is an element for 24 hours and users can do this. wow.
That is already known, works with most solids. It's caused by the CRAY, not the DRAY. Interesting, though.
cool +1 if you with the pattern with Cray, at the top will happen some strange and cool things... :D