18 / 1
21st Sep 2014
30th Oct 2014
Like my previous defence game, I made one with same objective but with a D-day design instead, I could not paint the soldiers because there faces blended in with the sand. Load up one of the guns with a bomb and fire it with NGRV. I could not add all
wwtwo german defence dday


  • SovietDog
    17th Oct 2014
    I don't know anything about fray? could you please explain? thank you for your input
  • 12Me21
    16th Oct 2014
    you should use fray instead of ngrv
  • fish123
    12th Oct 2014
    fun +1
  • SovietDog
    2nd Oct 2014
    Thank you for your feedback I appreciate it. It now has wood parachutes not diamond (:
  • hdp
    2nd Oct 2014
    its cool and 3d
  • SovietDog
    21st Sep 2014
    the flags of the other countries that fought along the brave men, if anyone could help and maybe help make a gun that reloads by it's self or how to improve some of my stuff, I'd greatly appreciate it and will add you into the save, and put your name all nice. please comment and tell me what you don't or do like about it. make sure you use the Z to zoom to load.