28th Sep 2014
28th Sep 2014
How do I make this laser stronger? I tried to make th filter hotter but it didn't work.
but magnetman33's idea would be better and more effeicent
If you really want help ask my friend, Awesome170
I am more of a making bomb person than a making laser person.
thats is my improved version it is just a draft and you will get the concept of it
Thanks for the help.
But the filter itself will not work
What you can do is make a section filled with GLOW and have FILT caps on the ends to allow photons through. And if you put your mouse over a particle. it tells you the temperature.(incase you didn't know)
okay. first of all, i dont think filter heats photons, just colors them. You have to make the photons actually touch the heating mech (in this case the uranium) for it to get heated, hence i like to make 2 pixel thick beams and not this 0_0
Dont ask this here, ask it on the forums