25 / 12
15th Oct 2014
20th Oct 2014
Protons + the spark form of lightning creates a long lasting and really effective compressed lightning effect. I made this bomb for fun, it's not really designed for effectiveness, just a subjectively cool and nice looking proof of concept.
explosion heat


  • 7furkan7
    27th Apr 2015
    but dont use dest bomb clone warp sign things
  • 7furkan7
    27th Apr 2015
    1763871 try may cant destroy it
  • Jimmyfriend
    29th Mar 2015
    Definitely! It's a great bomb, just a bit outdated. It's definitely still a potent one. I recommend you focus on trying new design philosophies. Trying something new is a great way to learn.
  • Noob-N-Proud
    28th Mar 2015
    Hey jimmy, you think I should update my old bomb? 1759046
  • Jimmyfriend
    22nd Oct 2014
    and sinec you guys thought this was strong, check out my other compressed spark lightning showcase. this is one that i hacked together pretty quickly but with emphasis on strength. it's 1000x better and 1000x uglier. 1649412
  • Jimmyfriend
    22nd Oct 2014
    so i dont remember how many layers of protons i did. then i did !set type prot sprk and !set ctype sprk ligh, fixed tmp and tmp2, i don't remember what the appropriate values were to make it work well, then bombard the spark with protons. each hit by a proton will trigger one of those explosive things, and a proton can hit a single pixel many many times. also set the life of the sprk to a high number, 65535 isn't necessary.
  • Jimmyfriend
    22nd Oct 2014
    so once you have yourr prot set up, press ctrl-c, copy it, press ctrl-v, paste it on top of the lightning as many times as you want, too many times is no good, too little times is no good, i believe i did 40 pixels, however i have always used the same sprk-ligh from an old stamp of mine for months.
  • Jimmyfriend
    22nd Oct 2014
    so to do this you use protons, draw where you want to make protons will be the lightning. compressed or stacked sparks with a ctype of lightning will create this effect, most people use just regular stacked lightning but i discovered spark lightning creates much more lightning per pixel.
  • Jimmyfriend
    22nd Oct 2014
    really easy. you can stack particles. mmost people like to use !set x and !set y which takes easily 10-30x more than my method and requires a lot of patience. you want a LOT of lightning in one area, LOTs of it.
  • Noob-N-Proud
    21st Oct 2014
    While there are many things I do know about the powder toy... This ain't one of them. I have no idea how to get lightning to shoot out like that. How do you do it?!?!? Please tell me. Thx ahead of time.