16th Oct 2014
6th Feb 2015
new one-shot anti-capital energy weapon.
the gravity pump is set as a negative number but the negative pressure is stronger than the gravity force.
Idea- Add negative gpmp to push away the molten metal after firing. you could use a Dray system to copy the whole back section after if fires
you just need a magazine system and you can fire it multiple times.
AI is used for point defence and course plotting/travel
people are more capable than AI with moral decisions and certain mission peramiters. The crew are there as engineers and boarding soldiers.
if there is ai, where is there a crew at all? just stuff it with robots, or better yet make it a soolid block of armour
a built in AI. only fighters have idiot crew because the ship is basically cannon fodder used to weaken a fleet.
if they are idiots, how do they know how the ship works?
well they dont deserve it (half of them are idiots anyway)
yes, yes i am. i just want your trapped crew to have a weapon that dosen't ave a chance to kill them