16th Oct 2014
6th Feb 2015
new one-shot anti-capital energy weapon.
am i going to nuts with this?
i have nodified it AGAIN and i can reliably fire it to full effect every time with no idestructuctable elements
not in my tests i found that the reaction happened like normal. just look at it again
the gravity generators that stop it from destroying its self also cause the photons to not turn into prot when they reach the hydrogen.
i looked at the problem you pointed out in my viersoin. it does work if there is no gas infront of the pcln when it activates
ive created a modified viersion that dosent destroy itself after every shot. id:1652443 see if you can make a reloader or something
good weapon though
it still is only one shot. the ship would need a hold ful of these to be loaded and ejected making it pretty damn big
you can use a powered clone that produces a photon when sparked thqat would start the cannon. i might make it now.
while admittaly powerful, there is no firing mechanism making it esentially useless. this would have to be manufactured onboard in the weapon mount during the battle to be used