It's finally done! My newest/strongest bomb! I'm going to test it on mechanized heaven's borders and update it if it doesn't meet the requirements. If it duds out (RARELY OCCURS) just retry it!
thomaxin it's outdated. :p
Takes like 5 minutes to destroy VIBR, and can't get through my bunker... Try to add more layers and different elements, but +1 anyway :)
@jimmyfriend Thanks for the input! I've made a few other bombs already and I'm thinking of posting them. I'll be sure to remember and probably use what you told me!
great bomb especially since its one of your first compared to how many ive made. heres my 1 suggestion, the GBMB kinda sucks prot in toward the center instead of a wall and prot gets wasted i made a bomb jBomb like this but without snow sing and here's how i evaded the problem. LOTS of compressed GBMB, and lots of regular GBMB. The GBMB had low life. As soon as the GBMB isnt needed right before the protons start to come in the GBMB vaporizes, and prot gets launched fast at once toward the target
It was good! Liked it and if u had a rings of bombs itll be stronger! have u seen my explosions? Try that out and then Ill recheck looked awesome tho